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The Ultimate Guide to fix ingress traffic flow in Kubernetes Cluster

Just like me when you would be starting with Kubernetes, there would be a lot of unanswered questions to fix ingress traffic flow. In this post, we will address few of them related to ingress traffic flow in a Kubernetes cluster.

For this I assume you already have a Kubernetes cluster on your favorite cloud platform.

Here are few scenarios.

You have ingress and service with LB. When traffic coming from outside , you are confused if it hits ingress first and then does it goes to pods directly using ingress LB or it goes to service and get the pod Ip via selector and then goes to pods?

Which kind, services or ingress uses readiness Probe in the deployment?

How ingress traffic reaches the cluster.

In order to fix deployment problems, we have to know how to trace the traffic flow and for that we have to know how the stuff works.

There are two things you want to understand- deployment and services.

While services are a collection of pods which is identified as an IP address, deployment shows the current state of the pod. Any change you want to make inside the cluster is done by deployment, we have terms like roll out updated code or roll back previous version of deployment as well. A service is responsible for enabling network access to a set of pods

Again, the default service types in Kubernetes are ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer. Here in our project, we are using ClusterIP.

Using a deployment allows you to easily keep a group of identical pods running with a common configuration.

Next comes the loadbalancer service or the ingress container, either one you can use to route external requests to the cluster and hence the pods.

The case of usual loadbalancer

  • A Kubernetes load balancer is the default way to expose a service to the internet. On GKE for example, this will spin up a network load balancer that will give you a single IP address that will forward all traffic to your service
  • Support a range of traffic types, including TCP, UDP and gRPC
  • Each service exposed by a Kubernetes load balancer will be assigned its own IP address (rather than sharing them like ingress)
  • A Kubernetes network load balancer points to load balancers which reside external to the cluster—also called Kubernetes external load balancers.

The case of Ingress controller

  • Kubernetes ingress sits in front of multiple services and acts as the entry point for an entire cluster of pods.
  • Ingress allows multiple services to be exposed using a single IP address. Those services then all use the same L7 protocol (such as HTTP).
  • A Kubernetes cluster’s ingress controller monitors ingress resources and updates the configuration of the server side according to the ingress rules. 
  • The default ingress controller will spin up a HTTP(s) Load Balancer. This will let you do both path-based and subdomain-based routing to backend services (such as authentication, routing).

Generally speaking, below is the traffic flow:

Internet ←-> External/AWS ELB ←-> k8s ingress ←-> k8s service ←-> k8s pods

Now that we know the basics, we can move ahead to trouble shoot our pods.

I will give you a hierarchy of how you should go about troubleshooting for RCA.

curl http://www.amazonish.test/
  --> DNS Resolution
    --> Ingress Controller: host: www.amazonish.test | path: /
      --> amazonishv2app-svc:appPort
        --> one of the pods associated with the service

How does that work?

  • DNS resolution happens and retrieves the IP address associated with the domain name
    • In this project, I have set the IP of the ingress load balancer to a local domain in the hosts file, in other case, we may get a SSL certified domain and configure the DNS in the cluster.
  • The request goes to that IP address
  • The request hits the ingress controller (Nginx)
  • The ingress controller looks at the path and retrieve the associated service
    In our case, the path is / and the service is amazonishv2app-svc
  • The service sends the request to one of the pods that it handles
  • Your api/app handles the request

The troubleshooter approach

Check the pods

  • Get the pods
  • See the logs
  • Access the pod directly using kubectl port-forward and access it through localhost in another shell
kubectl get pod -owide
kubectl logs pod_name
kubectl port-forward pod_name 8000:8000
curl localhost:5000

On executing the curl you should be able to see expected content, if that is so then the root cause(RC) is not something internal to the application.

Check the Service

  • Get the svc
    • The Selector must match pod label
    • The TargetPort must match the port you are using in your pod
    • The Endpoints section must contain the IP address of your pod.
  • See the logs
  • Access the service directly using kubectl port-forward and access it through localhost in another shell

On executing the curl you should be able to see expected content, if that is so then the root cause(RC) is not at this level.

Check the ingress

  • Get the ingress
    • The Host is the one you’re using
    • The Service is the one we checked previously
    • The Port is the same used in the service declaration
  • See the logs
  • Then exec on the pod to curl locally through the ingress controller. As the host and the path are used to route traffic, you will need to specify both. `curl -H “Host: amazonish.test” localhost/”
kubectl exec -it ingress-nginx-controller-6bf7bc7f94-zgms5 -- sh

On executing the curl you should be able to see expected content, if that is so then the root cause(RC) is not at this level.

Check the DNS

You need to ensure that the DNS Resolution gives the external ip of your LoadBalancer use by the ingress controller.

If it doesn’t return the correct IP, then the DNS for “” is set to an incorrect CNAME or the CNAME entry is not set.

503 Service Unavailable

It tells us that our we are making it to our ingress and the Nginx ingress loadbalancer is trying to route it but it is saying there is nothing to route it to. When you receive this message, this usually means that no pods associated with this service is in a ready state. You should check if the pods are in a ready state to serve traffic.

Here I am describing the ingress service.

The backend column for the ingress shows what service this ingress is associated to and the port. We should at this point make sure this is correct and this is where we want the traffic to go. 

Next let’s go to the service level. The first thing we want to check is the “endpoint”, this is essentially the IP of the pod.

If there are no endpoint, then the service has nothing to send the traffic to and that is the problem. At this point you should look at the service Selector to make sure that this is the correct service Selector. The service Selector selects is a set of labels that are used to select which pods are in this service. This means that the pods you want associated with this service should have the same labels as well.

So, the selector of the service should match with the label of the connected pod. If all is well here and we don’t have the end point at the service level then we want to check if the pod is in ready state.

The next thing you should check is if the ports are matching to what you expected. The incoming ports are going to the correct target pod destination.

That’s all you should be doing to troubleshoot Kubernetes cluster. You can also check connected posts here.

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