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Home » Implementing market data feed handler system to support its trading and risk management operations-Part1

Implementing market data feed handler system to support its trading and risk management operations-Part1

As a part of the series of designing a market data feed handler system, this is the best usecase I found on internet.

A High-Frequency Trading (HFT) firm needs to implement a robust market data feed handler system to support its trading and risk management operations. The system must handle real-time data ingestion, processing, and distribution to various components within the firm to make split-second trading decisions and manage risk effectively.

So what are the components involved:

Components Involved:

  1. Market Data Ingestion Service: Captures real-time data from multiple exchanges and data providers.
  2. Order Management System (OMS): Executes trades based on the processed data.
  3. Risk Management System: Monitors and manages risk exposure in real-time.
  4. Database: Stores historical data for analysis and back-testing.
  5. Dashboard: Visualizes real-time data and system status for traders and risk managers.

As a mean of entire scenario, I added the first part only today,

Basically, I had to identify the key data points while fetching the data, that the trading algorithms need to make decisions.

Here are a list of data points I added to the kafka structure which fetches data.

  • c: Current priceh: High price of the day
  • l: Low price of the day
  • o: Open price of the day
  • pc: Previous close price
  • t: Timestamp of the last update

The valuation of the variate data points are:

  • c (Current Price): Crucial for real-time trading decisions and current portfolio valuation.
  • h (High Price of the Day): Useful for identifying resistance levels and setting sell targets.
  • l (Low Price of the Day): Useful for identifying support levels and setting buy targets.
  • o (Open Price of the Day): Provides context for intraday trading strategies.
  • pc (Previous Close Price): Useful for calculating daily price changes and volatility.
  • t (Timestamp): Ensures data timeliness and can be used for logging and auditing purposes.

As mentioned earlier in previous post, I had a kafka service to capture data and another to broad cast to the websocket which could be called on UI to show reatime data as it is fetched.

Here is a snipeet of the same

Above is how the real data is captured from the finhubb website to this application using kafka pub-sub.

That’s it done so far.

Next what I am think is to integrate this captured data to Trading and Risk Management Systems. This can be done by implementing trading algorithms.

Here is a plan to implement the same.

Integrating with Trading and Risk Management Systems

  1. Trading Algorithms:
    • Will Use current_price (c) to make buy/sell decisions.
    • Will Use high_price (h) and low_price (l) to set stop-loss and take-profit levels.
    • Will Use open_price (o) and previous_close_price (pc) to analyze price movements and trends.
  2. Risk Management:
    • Will Monitor current_price to assess real-time exposure.
    • Will Compare high_price, low_price, and current_price to historical data to evaluate market volatility.
    • Will Use timestamp (t) to ensure the data’s freshness and accuracy for risk calculations.
  3. Data Storage and Analysis:
    • Will Store the captured data points in a time-series database for historical analysis and back-testing.
    • Will Regularly update the database with new data to maintain an accurate record of price movements.

I am aware there are other kind of data in market data handler but I intend to conver real time data processing first. The above is a high level stuff. will granualarize the same to break these into coding block.

I will ofcourse document what even I am thinking, lest I am prone to forgetfulness.

So, implement this I have to fetch the historical data as well along with real time data. Need historic data to calculate the short-term and long-term moving averages based on historical data.

I will be more comprehensive in the next post about this, but what I understood so far from this research is that based on the current short term ma and current long term ma that comes from the historic data, I have to generate the buy and sell signal. If current_short_ma > current_long_ma then buy else sell. Based on historic data we have to process the real time current price that comes from real time data.

Stop-loss and take-profit levels has also to be set after this.

This is all over the business logic, but I still have to organize the same in micrservice. which microservice to choose. Consumer microservice would be ideal one where I have the real time data available and I can call another endpoint on the cron to get the historic data. but do I need to store the historic data in the database? that’s the quest that haunts me. I believe I need to because that would be useful to implement various trading algorithms and risk management models.

I think once implement various trading algorithms I can understand better.

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